Recent Publications
Selected Poems Online:​
Verse Daily (2024): "Fanfare for the Dinosaurs, or, The Trumpeter"
Poetry Daily (2023): "Theory of Sand"
Cincinnati Review (2023): "Meditation with Grass Fire and Tumbleweed"
Michigan Quarterly Review (2020): "Eve from Above"
Matter Monthly (2020): "Desert Meeting" and "Landscape Beginning with a Line from Marianne Moore"
DIAGRAM (2019): "Theory of Engagement" and "Pause One Coast"
Jellyfish (2019): "A Suitable Host" & "It's a Day"
Quarterly West (2019): "Theory of Audacity"
ythm (2019): "The Fish"
Witness (2018): "to you horse"
Alaska Quarterly Review (2018): "Self-Portrait as Cain and Abel"
Yale Review (2018): "Ode on Inheritance"
The Collagist (2017): "California"
Green Mountains Review Online (2017): "Elegy" & "Resurrection Bay"
Blackbird (2016): "Chatter," "Visitor," & "Drunk Again"
Alaska Quarterly Review (2016): “Three times on the trail, I looked back for you”
Selected Poems in Print:​​
Poetry Magazine (forthcoming): “Woof, This Heat” and “Petition for Re-Introduction”
Lily Poetry Review (forthcoming, 2024): “Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale,” “Little Grief,” and “Mirage”
California Quarterly (2024): “Down on Land,” “Evening Storm, New Mexico,” and “Augury”
Mid-American Review (2023): "Invitation to an Evening" and "Old Dominion"
Copper Nickel (2022): "Name One Thing"
Seneca Review (2021): "Self-Portrait as Woman with Horns"
River Styx (2021): "Rubicon"
New South (2020): "Strophe & Anti-Strophe"
FIELD (2019): "Fanfare for the Dinosaurs, or, The Trumpeter"
Denver Quarterly (2018): Five Poems from "Willa to Edith"
Third Coast (2017): "Ars Poetica with Goats and Agnes Martin"
Pleiades (2016): "Hope"​
Critical Writing:​​
“‘The Real Feel of Hard Time’: Temporal Experience in Deborah Luster and C.D. Wright’s One Big Self.” On C.D. Wright, Under Discussion Series. Ed. Rachel Trousdale. U. of Michigan Press. Forthcoming.
‘A New Appropriate Poetry’: Gender and the Language Track in Muriel Rukeyser’s A Place to Live,” Modernism/modernity. In press.
“‘Where do we see it from’: Revising Documentary Perspective in Adrienne Rich’s ‘An Atlas of the Difficult World.’” Arizona Quarterly, vol. 78, no.2, 2022, pp. 145-172.
After: A Collection of Ekphrastic Writing and Art, ed. Whitney Koo, Gasher Press (2024)
The Queer Nature Anthology, ed. Michael Walsh, Autumn House Press (2022)
Teach Living Poets, ed. Lindsay Illich and Melissa Alter Smith, NCTE (2021)
Building Fires in the Snow: A Collection of Alaskan LGBTQ Short Fiction and Poetry, University of Alaska Press (2016)
Lyric Essays:
Cincinnati Review Blog (2023): "Motion Study"
Territory (2020): "Brightness Values"
Ninth Letter (2016): "See Alaska Before You Die"
Tupelo Quarterly (2015): "The White City"
Better: Culture & Lit (2014): “Bell”